State of unBeing, aab sink rhythms 5.1.98 aab_000 (1:42) -- header de inferno aab_001 (1:59) -- editorial beneath the sea vocals: iwmnwn, styx, kilgore trout, crux ansata, clockwork aab_002 (2:12) -- short attention fiction #1 vocals: kilgore trout written by kilgore trout aab_003 (1:37) -- young revolutionists take over the world aab_004 (4:24) -- 1906 aab_005 (2:18) -- will you even admit one? vocals: clockwork written by clockwork aab_006 (0:49) -- short attention fiction #2 vocals: kilgore trout written by kilgore trout aab_007 (6:23) -- tmck aab_008 (1:53) -- with reason produced and engineered by clockwork recorded in clockworld (austin) various sounds (001 and 003) provided by styx and iwmnwn State of unBeing (text and audio versions) is available at the following places: irc: #unbeing on UnderNet Commentary, fresh baked bread, and small elves can be sent to and/or . The SoB distribution list may also be joined by sending email to . Versions of sob_aaa and sob_aab may be available on tape, email for details. State of unBeing is copyrighted (c) 1998 by Kilgore Trout and Apocalypse Culture Publications. All rights reserved. These files may be disseminated without restriction for nonprofit purposes so long as it is preserved complete and unmodified.